How to build a business case for a new payroll system

Having worked with many organisations in Australia and New Zealand over the past 20 years, we have valuable insights to share on how people convinced their businesses to embrace digital transformation and invest in new technology. 

When does your best of breed payroll software reach the end of its useful life, and start causing you more problems than it solves? 

When you hear yourself saying: 

  • I wish I could easily access data on leave liability, sickness, and salary trends so I could plan, budget, and forecast resourcing more intelligently. 
  • Why is it so hard to interrogate our pay data to be sure we’re compliant? 

And your staff saying things like:  
I’m so sick of waiting on spreadsheets in order to run payroll! 

  • It’s such a mission to run a simple report because all the data I needed is scattered across three systems! 
  • I hear [competitor business name] can run and close out payroll in just 2 hours – why does it take us 2 days? 

If you’re sick of limping on with your legacy payroll system but are struggling to get those that hold the purse strings to invest in a better solution, we’re here to help! 

Watch our on-demand recording of our 'How to build the business case for a new payroll & HR system', where we discussed: 

  • Why you need a business case 
  • The 5 key ingredients of a compelling business case 
  • How to present challenges and the benefits of changing 
  • How to pull it all into a ‘pay attention to this' presentation 
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