Automating your financial close: A blueprint for success

With accounting talent on the decline and workloads increasing – being able to do ‘more with less’ is not a tired, cliched phrase. It is a critical pivot for your finance team to continue delivering their work with accuracy, speed and engagement. 

In our latest eBook – we present our 4-step finance automation blueprint we’ve shared with our customers. 

Download our Financial Automation Blueprint eBook today and start your journey towards a streamlined, efficient financial close process. 

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Your financial automation blueprint

How to plan and build your financial tech initiatives to gain control and retain talent

Table of content

  • The problem: Modern businesses are more complex than ever before
  • The solution: Automation — the foundation for financial transformation
  • Crafting a blueprint for transformation
  • Breaking down the blueprint:
    • Process
    • Technology
    • People
    • Information
  • Taking the first step towards automation
  • The roadmap to streamlined financial automation

The problem

The landscape beneath the Finance foundation is constantly shifting, with an ever-growing number of tools and data to manage, fluctuating market conditions and workplaces evolving at an accelerated pace. To stand the test of time, companies must be able to react and make decisions quickly.

Despite knowing this, many organisations (even the well-established ones) are still wrestling with manual, spreadsheet-driven approaches to accounting and finance operations. Financial close is particularly rife with reconciliation and consolidation processes that waste countless hours of overworked accountants’ time — only to just meet deadlines.

The bad news: it’s predicted to get worse.

According to a survey by the CFO Alliance, 42% of mid-market CFOs expect workloads to increase in 2024.

Accounting graduate numbers are also dropping — fast — which leaves organisations relying on a few key finance people to essentially do more with less.

As a CFO, you likely already know the solution. As in many departments, the finance office is constantly hit with automation and artificial intelligence (AI) messaging — buzzwords that have become synonymous with financial transformation.

However, changing a business process isn’t as simple as hammering a nail. It’s more comparative to building a brick wall, and the only effective way to do that is — one brick at a time.

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