Turn blue-sky thinking into genuine business improvement with Fast5

When aiming for improvement, you need to look at your business from the inside and out.

And while it can come in many forms, improvement often needs to be extracted and cultivated.

This process can be accelerated with structure, planning and timelines - so goals become realities, faster. 

We designed the Fast5 workshop concept to provide a format to support that process, offering education and a ‘safe’ space for your people to share ideas on how the business could be improved. 

And importantly, it helps you quickly determine if it’s a $10,000 or a $1,000 idea.

What happens when you have a Fast5 workshop?

  1. Great ideas come to the fore, naturally. While employees often have valuable ideas about improving your business, they’re frequently held back from articulating them. They may lack confidence in the value of their idea or have no ‘safe’ space where they can put them forward without fearing criticism. Fast5 was created to allow your employees to talk openly about what’s possible and for the business to quickly establish high-level ideas of implementation time and cost of ownership. Fast5 will enable you to reshape those initial ideas – no matter how left field - into ones that are commercially viable and can be measured in terms of ROI. There are no silly questions and no silly ideas!
  2. Everyone matters. By putting a range of your employees together in the Fast5 workshop, you can leverage a broader spectrum of knowledge, experience and functions. Fast5 works best when you select employees from all levels in the business and don’t go top-heavy on IT people. You may be surprised where the best ideas come from.
  3. The workshops are fine-tuned for you. We put the hard work into finding relevant innovation examples for your business and industry, so you can envisage how new technology can bring your ideas to life. We include practical examples rather than just talk theories! Some tasks that initially seem impossible often end up being simple to implement yet can have an immediate impact.
  4. Better, together. In a Fast5 workshop, you are all part of the thought process. No one is judged on their input; it’s an open forum for valuable blue-sky thinking. And voting on the top ideas ensures that the ideas to be actioned are truly the vision of the group.
  5. A single canvas. The Fast5 innovation canvas is a simple encapsulation of the ideas, costs and benefits. This provides you with the ability to execute an agile project and quickly experience and implement the solution/s – bypassing negative reactions that sometimes stymie new ideas. The canvas is also the perfect vehicle for showing senior people in the business the ideas and their TCO (total cost of ownership) to garner engagement and support for a POC (proof of concept). By bringing everyone along for the ride, you can literally leap-frog the IT department (sorry, team!) while integrating AI into your traditional business activities – at minimal cost compared with the considerable rewards.
Great outcomes start with great conversations


Great outcomes start with great conversations

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